Interclub is Tomorrow - NO HOME MEET

7 Nov 2020 by Melanie Marshall

INTERCLUB tomorrow!!! Just a reminder tomorrow’s meet is at SA Athletics Stadium, please have athletes there at 8.30 to sign in. Parent assistance will still be needed for chaperones and at some events, so please help where you can.

No home meet as committee will be at Interclub.

All athletes need to be in full uniform including badges and either black or maroon shorts. If you are not registered for Interclub and have had a change of mind and want to attend there will be manual registrations on the day due to an error with online, so come down!

No come’n’ try athletes are able to participate.

It is also Toyota PB club week so we are trying to get photos of our athletes not just competing but in age and friendship groups at the Toyota set up on the day pending committee member commitments, these will be used on our FB page and Instagram pages. If you take any photos and happy for us to use them send them to us as well!

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